Dinesh Allamaprabhu M.Sc (CS)
Dinesh Allamaprabhu hails from Mysore, India. A passionate nature-lover from a young age. He is very fond of animals and enjoys observing their behaviour. He loves spending quality time in the tranquility of nature and capturing the finer moments through the lens. He draws inspiration from his father, who is a renowned nature photographer from the film era. They promote film photography to this day. Whether analogue or digital, he enjoys all forms of photographic art.
He began participating in international photographic competitions since July 2018. In a short span of time he has seen quite a success. His works have been extensively exhibited in over 43+ countries and has bagged over 100+ international awards along with 1300+ international exhibits. His works have been published in journals, magazines and leading dailies. He has been on the jury panel for National & International exhibitions. Owing to the remarkable success, he has been recognized by various international photographic bodies and some of his notable accolades are:
- The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain awarded the coveted and prestigious ARPS, “Associate” distinction in April 2021.
- The Australian Photographic Society (APS) conferred him with the FAPS, “Fellowship”distinction in January 2020. A unique accomplishment by a nature photographer in India.
- The International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) headquartered at Luxembourg awarded the EFIAP, “Excellence” distinction in 2020.
- The Photographic Society of America (PSA), USA has rated him as a 5 Star Exhibitor in Nature Division in September 2019. He was also awarded the PPSA distinctionby the Society based on his exhibition records. His nature portfolio was awarded the Bronze level with the BPSA distinction in November 2019.
- In a record time of 15 months since participating in international exhibitions, he was ranked #2 in the world by the Photographic Society of America (PSA) in their annual Who’s Who in photography under Nature Division (Prints) in 2020.
- He was conferred with the Honorary distinction,Hon.CPE from the Campina Photographic Society, Romania in October 2020.
- EFIP, “Excellence” distinction by the Federation of Indian Photography (FIP) in September 2020.
- Global Photographic Union (GPU), Greece awarded the GPU Crown 2 distinction inFebruary 2019.
- For his outstanding contribution and distinguished services to international art photography he was awarded GPA.PESGSPC, the Grand progress award andHon.PESGSPC, Honorary distinction from the Pascal English School and Greek School Photographic Club, Greece (PESGSPC) in August 2019.
- HIUP distinction by the International Union of Photographers (IUP), China in April 2019.
- Master of Light Photographic Association (MOLPA), Canada conferred him with the c*MoL distinction in 2019.